How to Make the Perfect Cup of Tea

A comprehensive guide from two english(ish) women

In Britain, tea is the answer to nearly everything. Stressed? Have a tea. Celebrating? Tea. Awkward silence? Put the kettle on. It’s a universal salve for emotions big and small. There are many tea times in the English day - there is your breakfast tea first thing in the day, your Elevenses which happens around 11am (surprise surprise) to tie you over to lunch and, perhaps most iconically, afternoon tea around 3-4pm that can be accompanied by little cakes and sandwiches (or just a biscuit).

While the rituals around each might be slightly different, in the most basic way, there is a right way to make a cup of English tea no matter what time of day it is, and this is it:

How to Make The Perfect Cup of Tea

Teapot & Cups or Mug:

Are you alone or with company? If the former, mug, if the latter, teapot please.

The Great Tea Bag Debate:

Since the dawn of time (or the early 1900s when the teabag was invented) people have argued whether or not to go loose leaf or teabag.The right answer is loose, but in the interest of time and fuss, the winning answer is bag.


MUST come to a rolling boil. None of this lukewarm nonsense.

Brewing Basics:

Pour the boiling water over the tea and let it steep for at least 3 minutes. Not a second less. Do not abandon your post. Once the desired seeping has been accomplished, remove the teabag - never leave it bobbing around.


After. Always after and never while the teabag is still in, unless you want to invoke the wrath of the tea gods. Also add it like a scientist, which means a splash not a gallon. The tea should resemble a rich caramel color, not beige dishwater.


Very much optional, but if you take it, less is more. No heaping—this isn’t dessert. Stir like your life depends on it.

Taste Test:

Sip cautiously. If it doesn’t burn your tongue slightly, it’s not hot enough.


Pair with a biscuit. Yes, you can dunk if you are alone, but don’t let it break and fall in as no one recovers from that kind of tragedy.


Sit back, sip, aaah.